Muscle Confusion: Are You Confused?

What is muscle confusion?  Muscle confusion is when you are smarter than your muscles.  Your body is a very fine tuned intelligent machine.  It has memory.  t3It remembers every time you walk up the same steps every day.  It remembers every movement that you methodically make.

Why do we practice muscle confusion?  Because we want to trigger our muscles to build.  When you do something that you have not done before, or you change a routine, if you do the same routine more than 4-6 weeks in a row, all you are doing is maintaining and staying the same.  Nothing is changing. You have got to be an intelligent trainer.

Get involved with a personal trainer.  Join a fitness boot camp, preferably mine.  And be in a program where you are always being challenged, that there is always change.  That your muscles, even if you are doing a bicep workout…there are numerous types of ways to challenge your biceps instead of doing the same traditional curls every day.

Muscle confusion is the most sophisticated, progressive and innovative way to train.  Your time is more efficient.  There is no reason to work out in the gym every day unless you want to.  And again, be sure that you are training smart.  Don’t overwork the same muscles.  Give your muscles a rest.  But change it up.  Make it fun.  Challenge your body and your muscle in different ways.

Join us at A Strong You fitness boot camp, or contact me at

Muscle confusion.  Why do we do it?  Because we want change.

Posted in Fitness & Wellness Tips.

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